set terminal jpeg size 800,1000
set output "co2-concentrations.jpg"
set multiplot
set size 1,0.25
set key off
set title "stężenie CO2 i emisje antropogeniczne"
set style rect fc lt -1 fs solid 0.1 noborder
set obj 1 rect from -20000, graph 0 to 1000, graph 1
set style rect fc lt -1 fs solid 0.2 noborder
set obj 2 rect from 1000, graph 0 to 2020, graph 1
set tics front
set origin 0.0,0.7;
set datafile separator ","
set ylabel "stężenie CO2 / emisje (ppm)"
set xlabel "czas"
set xrange [1000:2020]
set xtics 100
set ylabel "stężenie CO2 / emisje (ppm)"
plot 'cores.csv' using 1:2 title "stężenie odczytane z rdzeni lodowych (" with lines lt 3 lw 2 linecolor rgb "dark-green", \
'co2-instrumental.csv' using 1:2 title "pomiary instrumentalne stężenia (" with lines lt 3 lw 2 linecolor rgb "blue", \
'emisje.csv' using 1:4 title "skumulowane emisje antropogeniczne (" with lines lt 3 lw 2 linecolor rgb "red"
set origin 0.0,0.4;
set xrange [-20000:2200]
set title ""
set xtics 2000
set ylabel "stężenie CO2 / emisje (ppm)"
set xlabel "czas (lata astronomiczne)"
plot 'cores.csv' using 1:2 title "stężenie odczytane z rdzeni lodowych" with lines lt 3 lw 2 linecolor rgb "dark-green", \
'co2-instrumental.csv' using 1:2 title "pomiary instrumentalne stężenia" with lines lt 3 lw 2 linecolor rgb "blue", \
'emisje.csv' using 1:4 title "skumulowane emisje antropogeniczne" with lines lt 3 lw 2 linecolor rgb "red"
set origin 0.0,0.1;
set key font ",10"
set key on
set key at screen 1, screen 0.07
set xrange [-800000:20000]
set xtics ("-800k" -800000, "-600k" -600000, "-400k" -400000, "-200k" -200000, "2000" 2000)
plot 'cores.csv' using 1:2 title "stężenie odczytane z rdzeni lodowych" with lines lt 3 lw 2 linecolor rgb "dark-green", \
'co2-instrumental.csv' using 1:2 title "pomiary instrumentalne stężenia" with lines lt 3 lw 2 linecolor rgb "blue", \
'emisje.csv' using 1:4 title "skumulowane emisje antropogeniczne" with lines lt 3 lw 2 linecolor rgb "red"
unset multiplot