English: The Pyramid represents, definitely one of the most complex, and special buildings representative of the historical, cultural and political discourse of the city of Tirana. The project for the Pyramid was realized from a group of architects Pranvera Hoxha(Enver Hoxha’s doughter), Klement Kolaneci, Pirro Vaso and Vladimir Bregu in a total amount of time of three years with the main purpose of being the Communist Diktator’s Mausoleum, Museum of Enver Hoxha. In 1988 the building became functional and worked as such until 1992 with the capitulation of the Communist regime. Afterwards the building went through several changes regarding its function. It was used as Conference hall, later as an humanitarian center around 1999 with the placement of the NATO headquarter in Kosovo. In 2001 Top Chanel headquarters was positioned there, making possible for it to be used at the same time as a space for a nightclubs or gathering political space the part of the courtyard. Today after several years of non appropriate maintenance and ignoring it in most of the time, there’s a new plan for its revitalization.
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