Spis treści
Czas przyszły w przeszłości w języku angielskim
Czas przyszły w przeszłości w języku angielskim – zbiór konstrukcji gramatycznych w języku angielskim, służących do opisywania przyszłych wydarzeń z punktu widzenia w przeszłości.
Future in the Past jest czasem, który traktuje przyszłość, czyli zdarzenia, które jeszcze nie miały miejsca, z przeszłego punktu widzenia[1]. Wyraża te same relacje czasowe co formy przyszłe, tyle że z przeszłej perspektywy: In 2004 I arrived to the town, where I would spend fifteen years → W roku 2004 przyjechałem do miasta, w którym miałem spędzić następne 15 lat. Wydarzenia opisywane w ten sposób nie odnoszą się w żaden sposób do teraźniejszości, mogły nastąpić bądź nie w chwili wypowiadania zdania.
Przyszłość w przeszłości może być wyrażana w następujący sposób:
- konstrukcją was/were to[2]: Henry, who joined the army in 1788, was to become captain in 1808 → Henry, który wstąpił do wojska w roku 1788, został kapitanem w r. 1808. That was an event which would be remembered → To było zdarzenie, które zostanie zapamiętane.
- konstrukcją was going to[2]: Everyone was excited, because the new theatre was going to be opened → Wszyscy byli podnieceni, bo miano otworzyć nowy teatr.
- Czasem Past Progressive[2]: She left earlier today, because she was taking the train to Kiruna → Wyszła wcześniej, bo jechałą pociągiem do Kiruny.
Czas przyszły w przeszłości
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Czas Future in the past we wszystkich formach używa się głównie w narracji. Formy tego czasu są pochodnymi czasów przyszłych i zachowują one swoje znaczenie, różnica polega na zastąpieniu czasownika modalnego will przez would[3].
Aspekt | Czas przyszły | Czas przyszły w przeszłości |
Prosty | He will watch | He would watch |
Postępujący | He will be watching | He would be watching |
Przeszły | He will have watched | He would have watched |
Przeszły postępujący | He will have been watching | He would have been watching |
- Future Simple: The journey will be dangerous → Podróż będzie niebezpieczna. Ale: He said the journey would be dangerous → Powiedział, że podróż będzie niebezpieczna.
- Future Progressive: At three o'clock I shall be watching TV → O trzeciej będę oglądał telewizję ale He mentioned that at three o'clock he would be watching TV → Wspomniał, że o trzeciej będzie oglądał telewizję.
- Future Perfect: I`ll have seen the doctor by Friday → Do piątku pójdę do lekarza. Ale He assured he would have met the doctor by Friday.
- Future Perfect Continuous: By the end of this year I`ll have been learning English for 30 years ale She knew that By the end of this year I`d have been learning English for 30 years → Ona wiedziała, że gdy rok minie, będę uczył się angielskiego od 30 lat.
Formy gramatyczne
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Future Simple in the Past (Czas przyszły prosty w przeszłości)
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Osoba | Forma twierdząca | Forma pytająca | Forma przecząca | Skrócona odpowiedź twierdząca |
Skrócona odpowiedź przecząca |
1 sg | I would/should read | would/should I read? | I would/should not read | Yes, I would/should | No, I would/should not |
2 sg + pl | you would read | would you read? | you would not read | Yes, you would | No, you would not |
3 sg | he/she/it would read | would he/she/it read? | he/she/it has not read | Yes, he/she/it would | No, he/she/it would not |
1 pl | weI would/should read | would/should we read? | I would/should not read | Yes, we would/should | No, we would/should not |
3 pl | they would read | would they read? | they would not read | Yes, they would | No, they would not |
Strona bierna czasu:
Osoba | Forma twierdząca | Forma pytająca | Forma przecząca | Skrócona odpowiedź twierdząca |
Skrócona odpowiedź przecząca |
1 sg | I would/should be seen | would/should I be seen? | I would/should not be seen | Yes, I would/should | No, I would/should not |
2 sg + pl | you would be seen | would you be seen? | you would not be seen | Yes, you would | No, you would not |
3 sg | he/she/it would be seen | would he/she/it be seen? | he/she/it has not be seen | Yes, he/she/it would | No, he/she/it would not |
1 pl | we would/should be seen | would/should we be seen? | I would/should not be seen | Yes, we would/should | No, we would/should not |
3 pl | they would be seen | would they be seen? | they would not be seen | Yes, they would | No, they would not |
Future Continuous in the Past (Czas przyszły postępujący w przeszłości)
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Osoba | Forma twierdząca | Forma pytająca | Forma przecząca | Skrócona odpowiedź twierdząca |
Skrócona odpowiedź przecząca |
1 sg | I would/should be reading | would/should I be reading? | I would/should not be reading | Yes, I would/should | No, I would/should not |
2 sg + pl | You would be reading | would you be reading? | you would not be reading | Yes, you would | No, you would not |
3 sg | he/she/it would be reading | would he/she/it be reading? | he/she/it would not be reading | Yes, he/she/it would | No, he/she/it would not |
1 pl | we would/should be reading | would/should we be reading? | we would/should not be reading | Yes, we would/should | No, we would/should not |
3 pl | they would be reading | would they be reading? | they would not be reading | Yes, they would | No, they would not |
Odmiana w stronie biernej:
Osoba | Forma twierdząca | Forma pytająca | Forma przecząca | Skrócona odpowiedź twierdząca |
Skrócona odpowiedź przecząca |
1 sg | I would/should be being watched | would/should I be being watched? | I would/should not be being watched | Yes, I would/should | No, I would/should not |
2 sg + pl | You would be being watched | would you be being watched? | you would not be being watched | Yes, you would | No, you would not |
3 sg | he/she/it would be being watched | would he/she/it be being watched? | he/she/it would not be being watched | Yes, he/she/it would | No, he/she/it would not |
1 pl | we would/should be being watched | would/should we be being watched? | we would/should not be being watched | Yes, we would/should | No, we would/should not |
3 pl | they would be being watched | would they be being watched? | they would not be being watched | Yes, they would | No, they would not |
Future Perfect in the Past (Czas zaprzeszły w przyszłości)
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Osoba | Forma twierdząca | Forma pytająca | Forma przecząca | Skrócona odpowiedź twierdząca |
Skrócona odpowiedź przecząca |
1 sg | I would/should have read | would/should I have read? | I would/should not have read | Yes, I would/should | No, I would/should not |
2 sg + pl | you would have read | would you have read? | you would not have read | Yes, you would | No, you would not |
3 sg | he/she/it has have read | has he/she/it have read? | he/she/it has not have read | Yes, he/she/it has | No, he/she/it has not |
1 pl | weI would/should have read | would/should we have read? | I would/should not have read | Yes, we would/should | No, we would/should not |
3 pl | they would have read | would they have read? | they would not have read | Yes, they would | No, they would not |
Odmiana w stronie biernej:
Osoba | Forma twierdząca | Forma pytająca | Forma przecząca | Skrócona odpowiedź twierdząca |
Skrócona odpowiedź przecząca |
1 sg | I would/should have been seen | would/should I have been seen? | I would/should not have been seen | Yes, I would/should | No, I would/should not |
2 sg + pl | you would have been seen | would you have been seen? | you would not have been seen | Yes, you would | No, you would not |
3 sg | he/she/it would have been seen | would he/she/it have been seen? | he/she/it would not have been seen | Yes, he/she/it would | No, he/she/it has would |
1 pl | weI would/should have been seen | would/should we have been seen? | I would/should not have been seen | Yes, we would/should | No, we would/should not |
3 pl | they would have been seen | would they have been seen? | they would not have been seen | Yes, they would | No, they would not |
Future Perfect Progressive in the Past (czas przyszły postępujący w przeszłości)
[edytuj | edytuj kod]Osoba | Forma twierdząca | Forma pytająca | Forma przecząca | Skrócona odpowiedź twierdząca |
Skrócona odpowiedź przecząca |
1 sg | I would/should have been reading | would/should I have been reading? | I would/should not have been reading | Yes, I would/should | No, I would/should not |
2 sg + pl | You would have been reading | would you have been reading? | you would not have been reading | Yes, you would | No, you would not |
3 sg | he/she/it has been reading | has he/she/it been reading? | he/she/it has not been reading | Yes, he/she/it has | No, he/she/it has not |
1 pl | weI would/should have been reading | would/should we have been reading? | I would/should not have been reading | Yes, we would/should | No, we would/should not |
3 pl | they would have been reading | would they have been reading? | they would not have been reading | Yes, they would | No, they would not |
[edytuj | edytuj kod]- ↑ Michael Swan: Practical English Usage. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2015, s. 81. ISBN 978-0-19-442098-3.
- ↑ a b c Geoffrey Leech: An A – Z of English Grammar and Usage. Harlow: Longman, 2001, s. 380-381. ISBN 0-582-40574-2.
- ↑ Geoffrey Leech: An A – Z of English Grammar and Usage. Harlow: Longman, 2001, s. 603. ISBN 0-582-40574-2.